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Bus Information for 2024-25 (TBD)

Please click your bus number to view your pick-up and drop-off times.

These are 2023-24 times to give you an approximate idea of when your student's bus will arrive. Remember to have your children at their stop 5 minutes before pick-up time.

Pickup Bus #1083 Pickup Bus #1600 Pickup Bus #1629
OLD BINGHAM HWY (9050 S) & COURTNEY PL (4350 W) 8:28 AM State Hwy. & Solstice View Dr. (North Side) 8:28 AM 6400 W (2ND WILSHIRE ENTRANCE) 8:27 AM
9055 S CORLISS AVE 8:29 AM Dinkeyville Way & West Park St. (Copperton) 8:29 AM 6427 W CANEY RD 8:29 AM
RIPPLE CREEK CIR (4430 W) & RIPPLE DR (9110 S) 8:31 AM West Park St. & Yampa Heights WY (Copperton) 8:30 AM 6583 W 9430 S 8:30 AM
4610 W & MOOSE HORN CT (9200 S) 8:32 AM Apex Rd. & West Park St. (Copperton) 8:31 AM Copper Canyon School 8:40 AM
Copper Canyon School 8:40 AM Copperton Cir. (580 E) & State HWY (South Side) 8:32 AM
Copper Canyon School 8:40 AM
Drop Off Bus #1083 Drop Off Bus #1600 Drop Off Bus #1629
Copper Canyon School 3:42 PM Copper Canyon School 3:42 PM Copper Canyon School 3:42 PM
OLD BINGHAM HWY (9050 S) & COURTNEY PL (4350 W) 3:49 PM State HWY & Solstice View Dr. (North Side) 3:53 PM 6400 W (2nd Wilshire Entrance) 3:48 PM
9055 S CORLISS AVE 3:50 PM Dinkeyville Wy. & West Part St. (Copperton) 3:55 PM 6427 W CANEY RD 3:49 PM
Ripple Creek Cir (4430 W) & Ripple Dr. (9110 S) 3:51 PM West Park St. & Yampa Heights Wy. (Copperton) 3:56 PM 6583 W 9430 S 3:50 PM
4610 W & Moose Horn Ct. (9200 S) 3:52 PM Apex Rd. & West Park St. (Coopperton) 3:57 PM
Copperton Cir. (580 E) & State HWY (South Side) 3:58 PM