You must complete 12 out of 15 to receive your 1st Grade Coyote Pride
- Write your first and last name.
- Recognize all letters and sounds, including digraphs (sh, ch, th, wh)
- Write all letters (capital and lowercase) and numbers (0-9) legibly with no reversals.
- Read and recognize 65/80 irregularly spelled first grade words.
- Achieve monthly reading goal of reading 400 minutes a month for 5 months.
- Write three works of writing (narrative, informative & opinion) and share one with the class.
- Read level J books with fluency, expression, and comprehension.
- Verbal expression: Make one presentation to the class by researching and writing a report at home when assigned, and sharing it with the class.
- No N.I.‛s (Needs Improvement) in Social Skills on the report card for the mid-year grading period.
- Memorize address and phone number, including area code and zip code.
- Count to 120 starting at 90.
- Solve 20 addition and subtraction equations within 20 with 90% accuracy.
- Tell and write time in hours and half-hours using analog and digital clocks.
- Do 5 different locomotor movements (example: dribble, skip, jump rope, hula hoop, hop on one foot, kick a ball, swing, etc.).
- Name and locate Utah, the United States, the equator, and the north and south poles on a map and globe.